firefox only... doesn't work on chrome. if its not working its you not me 

press q to begin moving - keep your mouse in game window - add ons in your browser may slow performance. ive found generic firefox works the best


W flys

AD is left/right

space is punch [you can punch while flying it just wont show an animation]

let me know in the thread if theres some major bugs or if people really want me to change the keys.


i really have this dream game idea i want to work on... no more flash-tier sharty games for a long time... or maybe not idk man

i wanna make a game where your this alien dude on some alien planet the feel  im going for is fallout 1 x yume nikki1st/3rd person, 3d, kinda-linear, mainly collectathon with some othershit. like some melee combat or something and some survival (not crafting, as in you can't stay too long in the burning sun.. or stuff like that)

(i dont care that its lame to be like "OH [X] game is [a game] * [b game] * [c game]", just want people to get what i have in mind)

yume nikki - (really old classic indie earthbound garbage, but less 'homo' then undertale for people out the loop)

plz dont soyquote and epicly own me....


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